Crochet Coiled Basket Experiment



This week I experimented with crocheting over clothesline cord to make a bowl with a “coiled basket” look.

For more detailed instructions go to Crochet Coiled Basket Experiment Guidelines & Ideas. To see another version go to Small Crochet Coiled Basket Photo Tutorial



Crocheting over clothesline cord: Fiber Art Reflections

Crocheted “coiled basket” in progress

Wire Cable Clothesline

Wire Cable Clothesline

Amazing Yarn

Lion Brand “Amazing” self-striping yarn in Mauna Loa



Here is the final result:

Crochet Coiled Basket


Self-Striping Yarn creates a colorful effect


The green plastic on the cable shows through in the sun. Next time I will try to find a clear cable or will use a thicker yarn to cover more.


View from the top. For the rim I dropped the cable and just did a row of single crochet stitches. Then I whip-stitched all around using a tapestry needle. It turned out wavier than I wanted. Next time I will try a crocheted crab stitch for the final round.


Close up view. The first couple of rounds were not worked over the cable.



Several people have emailed or commented here and on Pinterest that they would like some step-by-step instructions for making a crochet coiled basket.  Thanks for suggesting it!  I have posted instructions here: Crochet Coiled Basket Guidelines & Ideas. and here: Small Crochet Coiled Basket Photo Tutorial.

51 responses »

  1. Thanks, Lavonda! It seems whenever I’m in the hardware store I look at all the items as potential crochet “ingredients”.

    Great idea, Bev! In that case, the green showing through would work well – maybe even with a thinner yarn or even crochet thread. Just might have to experiment with that.

  2. Could you post a step-by-step walkthrough of this project- I’m new to crocheting and am attempting small baskets using fabric yarn. The clothesline would make it sturdier- but I don’t yet understand any of the crochet lingo. Your colors are beautiful 🙂

  3. Wow, I love this basket! I love the colors and the shape. And I like the wavy edges – they give it more character. 🙂

  4. Try your basket using cotton or nylon clothesline. They are a bit easier to work with than the plastic/metal clothesline.
    I love the yarn you used in the basket above. Looks great.

    • Thanks, Lisa! I agree that lighter weight cord is easier to work with and heavier line creates a sturdier piece. It’s been fun, over the years, to experiment with lots of different materials using this method. Some other materials I’ve tried include plastic weed whacker line, fishing line (with crochet thread), jute twine, rope, coiled basketry core, bulky yarn, raffia, and fabric strips. One thing I’d like to try is “paper yarn” which is old newspapers and magazines that have been spun into “yarn”. Might work, might be a disaster. 🙂

  5. I am so excited! I have been wondering what I could do with the old tubing from my CO2 generator as I have to change them out monthly. I just tried using one and I think they will work great for a basket! Beginning with the Magic Circle, I crocheted 12 single crochets around the loop, then holding the end of the tube in place began working two single crochet stitches in each SC over the tube around. That is as far as I got so far, but the affect is awesome already. Thank you for this really neat idea.

  6. Hi
    I just love your on the coiled basket I’m wondering if your detailed pattern is complete and if I may have a copy please.
    Thanking you do much

  7. I am on oxygen and have often wondered what I could do with the old tubing after replacing it. Now I know! I’ll be making baskets! I already tried making a wreath and that didn’t turn out too bad.

  8. I semi learned to crochet when I was young probably 11 or 12. Made nothing but Granny squares. Tried making a baby blanket for my 1st born, never finished it. The baby blanket which consists of about 20 rows is in a paper bag in the top of my closet, been there for 34 years!!!
    I would love to learn more than the 1 stitch I know (stitches used to make Granny squares) maybe that’s more then 1 stitch I don’t really know. Don’t understand the lingo used. I could probably catch on if someone had the patience to work with me.
    I’m recently disabled and can’t do the things I loved to that made me who I was. Kinda depressing, my back has put a halt to almost everything. But, I can do things with my hands and arms without any negitive result. So I wish to start a new look at my life with the creativity of crafts. First off to learn how to crochet some of the many wonderful projects I have seen here. Your bowl is so fascinating and happy. I would love to learn how to make this, what stitches I would use, etc….have you published your how tomake step by step yet? If not how will I know when you have?
    Is there a website or someone that you know of that might be interested in helping me to learn more about crocheting and the steps and stitches needed to complete one of these fabulous projects. Seems to be a hobby with an unlimited range of crafts and projects.
    Thanks for listening to me ramble. But your bowl reminds me of a BIG SMILE and LAUGHTER. A Happy Bowl!

    • Hi Lisa I am new to this site. I have been crocheting and kitting since the 3rd grade. To show how long that is I can’t remember how you are when your in the 3rd grade. You will love crocheting I do projects to relax me, or if I am stressed. I love crafts anyway, so when I seen Susan’s basket I knew I needed to make one. If you ever have a question on your projects you can contact me any time. I taught my youngest son how to crochet an afghan when he had back surgery he learned it quickly and make lots of things since. He had degenerative back disease as well as other problems but doing ok. That was 5 years ago and he is still crocheting. Sorry to have rambled I was just touched by your message. I am so sorry you have back problems but I am sure you will love this. Who knows maybe you can make things and sell them!! Hope you love it…

      • Thanks for stopping by, Judy! I have been away from the blog for awhile and was so glad to see you responded back to Lisa’s comment with your warmth and compassion. 🙂

        How did things turn out with your basket? Is that something your son might try, too?

    • Hi, Lisa! Thank you for popping by the blog. I posted the instructions yesterday, and if you have further questions please let me know. You can either comment or you can send me an email at the “Contact” link near the top of the right hand column. Making these baskets and bowls usually just requires doing the single crochet stitch. I agree with you about crochet – it is unlimited! I have a lot of Pinterest boards for crochet and the variety of artistic creativity out there amazes me.

      I know that when we have a loss in life there are generally 3 stages we go through. In the beginning we focus more on “what is lost”. After awhile we move into taking stock of “what is left”. And then when the time is right, we move on the “what is next”. What you said about taking a new look at your life with the creativity of crafts sounds like you are in the 3rd stage. Best wishes, big smiles, and much laughter!

  9. Oh yes yes yes ,this is a great idear, I’m going to try that.Thank you for sharing this, greatings from the Netherlands from Ria

    • Hello, Ria! So nice to hear from the Netherlands! In doing genealogy research I discovered my mom’s side of the family was originally from there back a couple of hundred years ago.

  10. Amazing yarn is amazing. The colors are fab. However, my concern is how will it hold up on a table, especially if it is to be really used. What about cleaning? Is there any coating that you will apply?

    • Hi, Tanya! I am a sucker for variegated and self-striping yarns. 🙂 This particular bowl is meant to be a decorative piece so I don’t think it is going to get any wear & tear. I agree that for one that will get more use it would be wise to use a sturdier fiber, like heavy rug wool. I’m thinking in particular of the kind they make at Halcyon Yarn. I’ve tried lots of different materials over the years, including lacy thread crochet bowls that are starched. They are pretty but the downside is they need to be re-starched every now and then to hold their shape.

  11. For a lighter weight basket but,also durable try macrame cord. This is also washable. This might be a great idea for fosters and,hot pads for the table.
    Love the idea wish the starting instructions were posted.
    Wonderful ideas. Thanks

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